On The Set Day #2
Video Update: Jim Riley on the Set Day #2
Episode 2 — 2nd Day of Shooting
Great, Long Day of shooting! I think I turned in around 1:30 or so in the morning…
Courage, New Hampshire Episode 2 – The Sons of Liberty
We finished the first day of principal photography for Courage, New Hampshire – Episode 2, “The Sons of Liberty” yesterday. We should be uploading a video blog from the set today, so watch here for more news — including an exciting new way of watching Courage. Stay tuned — and tell your friends! […]
Colony Bay Profile Pics
Just a quick note to those of you Colony Bay contributors and followers: If you want your picture, or an avatar, or any graphic of your choice to be included in your posts, visit gravatar.com and upload your picture. It’s not a big deal for yours truly, but some folks like to see who they’re […]
Story-boarding Courage
Frame by Frame We’re heading down the stretch to principle photography for episode 2 of Courage, New Hampshire — “The Sons of Liberty.” Yesterday, we spent the better part of the day story-boarding the first week of shooting and it reminds me of a confession a big studio director once made about a major Pixar animation film. […]
Those Arrogant Brits
Right now, we’re putting the finishing touches on the high school version of our Courage, New Hampshire curriculum supplement, and Megan Ernst and I are debating causes of the Revolution. Certainly there are quite a few threads to tie together in weaving the causal tapestry — English common law, the Reformation, the Great Awakening, the […]
Protected: Ext. Gallows/Mansion – Storyboards and Photo Reference
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Expectations – Patriotic, Christian and Rogue
One follower of our project, writes: ..I was expecting a video which told me more about early America and our Founding Fathers, before, during and after the American Revolution, and not this type of story. I look forward to your other upcoming productions and hope that you will give us true historic stories of our […]
Innocence: Improbable or Impossible?
I always knew the character of Sarah Pine would be a bit of a risk. Our Producer Jonathan Wilson even wondered, on first read, whether she was “all there.” I explained that I saw her as a young woman obsessed with applied theology as a hobby, in a way we can’t quite imagine today this side of an Amish after glow […]