Colony Bay TV

On the Bay

October 10, 2011 by James Riley

We shot our first “show between shows” on Saturday here at Riley’s Farm in Oak Glen, California.   It will be a chance for our audience to meet the modern incarnations of some of our period people — Nathan Kershaw (“Bob Wheedle”) and Lorraine Pope (“Molly Pine.”) My sense is that a good interview show […]

What A Patriot Ate

September 27, 2011 by CynthiaMcCloud.Woodman

A Revolutionary soldier off fighting for freedom ate very differently than he did when home. The daily rations were issued un-cooked and a set of cooking utensils was issued to a group of six to twelve men. This group or “mess” of men would probably have chosen the best cook among them to prepare the […]

Keeping it a Surprise

September 26, 2011 by James Riley

A team of editors led by K. Adithya Ashok have been assembling the 2nd episode of “Courage, New Hampshire,” and I get to look at the stunning results every day. I wish I could share the performance of Greg Martin as “The Burglar” with you, (above) because I’ve seen it now, at least 20 or 30 […]

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

September 23, 2011 by James Riley

We’re putting the finishing touches on a new teaser with a Wolfish theme, and I can’t get over how beautifully poetic and chilling the King James version of the warning is: “..Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves…” I’ve been advised to not use any […]


September 21, 2011 by James Riley

The ‘Glee’ Phenomenon and Courage   I approach Glee knowing it’s a perilous road.   The show attracts a loyal following, and I know you can get sent to the gallows for trashing peoples’ icons, but I’m trying to carve out a niche for Courage, and I suppose I’m curious to know what you all […]

The ‘History’ Channel

September 20, 2011 by James Riley

This came as no great shock to me, but our producer, Jonathan Wilson, just got off the phone with a production vice president at the History Channel, and the conversation went something like this: Wilson:  “So when are you going to make ‘Courage’ part of your lineup?” ‘History:’ “Well, we don’t really do drama.  We […]

The Governor’s Shoot

September 20, 2011 by James Riley

On our 2nd episode we had a full time still photographer, Thais Winzen, and I just now have gotten around to showing you all a little bit (actually a lot) of the final day of shooting.   We were attempting the governor’s mansion of New Hampshire’s John Wentworth — not an easy thing to do […]

The Sons of Liberty Trailer

September 13, 2011 by James Riley

So we showed Colony Bay members a bit of this the other day, but we color-corrected and added Rotem Moav’s score to the version above, and I have to say, well, what other people have been telling me — that it’s goose-bump and chill-down-the neck stuff. It’s also been the subject of no small amount […]

Teaser/Trailer Episode 2 “Justice”

September 10, 2011 by James Riley

Only for Colony Members (join here) a working version of our first teaser/trailer for episode 2.   Comments welcome!

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