Courage, New Hampshire ~Behind the Scenes Production Post #1.
Hi guys,
So as I promised, today, I am taking you behind the scenes with the Makeup & Hair Department of “Courage, New Hampshire.” Ever wonder who makes the actors’ faces free of shine, and the actresses’ hair stay perfect throughtout each shot? Well, the credit goes to the Make-up and Hair Department of “Courage, New Hampshire.”
Loretta Lewis acts the Hair Stylist on set. With over 30 years plus experience, Loretta, enjoys every single minute of her job.
“All members of the cast are required to come on set an hour before we start “rolling,” said Loretta. It takes me longer to get all the girls’ hair done, than the guys’. I do all the extras’ hair and all of the principle’s actor’s hair, ” said Lori.
Lori told me that a lot of research goes into the hair styles that she gives each actor/actress and extra.
” I have done tons and tons of my own reseach before styling any one’s hair, ” Lori said.
She pauses for a moment, as she is brushing “Rev. Laud’s” wig. She points to it’s curls.
“You can tell that Rev. Laud has some status in society, because he has two curls. Whereas, some people only had one curl. However, if you were a commoner, you had no curls and no wig,” Lori said.

Lori brushes Rev. Silence Laud's wig. Notice the two curls indicating the Reverand's status in the 1770's.
Lori also has to make sure that wigs and hair stays in place for the duration of each scene.
“I stay close to the actors while they are filming, so that I can make sure their hair stays in place and continues to look good on camera, ” Lori said.
Before, I could continue any more conversation with Lori, who is also my mother-in-law, the Assistant Director, Mike Lewis, my father-in-law, calls to ask “how much more time is need until Rev. Laud is ready?’
I take this as a cue to end my conversation with Lori, and I begin another conversation with Hannah Riley, who is one of the make-up artists for “Courage, New Hampshire.”
Hannah is currently applying foundation on Mr. Jonathan Salisbury, otherwise known on set as “Noah Pine.” Hannah is one of my (4) sister-in-law’s, and she has been working on set since “Episode 1.”
“I was excited to jump on board. Being on set, has helped me develop and grow into a make up artisit. It is a fantastic opportunity,” said Hannah.
Hannah said that the most exciting thing that she looks forward to doing if the scence calls for it is the cuts and bruises.
“Each day of shooting, we just have to make sure that, when we are recreating the makeup for each actor, that we are checking for continutiy. This means, that the actor looks the same in each scene, unless otherwise stated in the script,” Hannah said.
I let Hannah finish making up “Noah Pine,” and I see that Janel Romero-Boose, is re-creating the “burglar brand” on Mr. Greg Martin’s head. Mr. Matin plays “Joseph Baine” who is granted mercy and given a burglar’s brand in Episode 2. (If you haven’t watched Episode 2, you can watch it HERE.)
Janel works side-by-side with Hannah applying make-up for the principle actors and extras on set.
“I’ve been working as a make-up artist, in television, for about 20 years now,” said Janel.
Janel first heard about the project through one of her high school best friends and casting director, Frances Romero Mena.
“I love it up here. It’s one of the best sets that I have worked on. We all work together well. Collectively, as a team, we are a good group. Everyone helps each other, and it could be that it is a Christian family environment. That alone, makes making this film a peaceful production,” Janel said.
As I headed out of the Hair & Makeup trailer, for the afternoon, I had to ask Lori, Janel, and Hannah what they all liked best about working on the show.
They all said in agreement and with a smile: “the FOOD!!!”
“Mary feeds us well,” Janel said.
Keep an eye out for my next post as I hang out with Mary Johns and her wardrobe department!
Until then, check out our donor perks for donating to our production campaign HERE!
Be “Courageous!”