Colony Bay TV

Bide with me here, for a Time

May 27, 2011 James Riley

If you spend any time reading 18th century literature, you’ll stumble upon some odd units of measure:

Sennight” A space of seven days and nights, a week.   New Hampshire Gazette, April 27,1770: “..Advices from the Robbinhood (sic) Society. The last time I was at the club was on Tuesday sennight.”

Ultimo” of or occurring in the month preceding the present.  “I called upon Miss Fairfax, on the 17th, ultimo”

Twelvemonth” — a year.  “You will be waiting here a twelvemonth if you aren’t careful.”

Fortnight” — a period of two weeks.   “Squire Allworthy remained confined to his bed for a fortnight.”

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